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Quilting Month Week 3

Written by: Abigail Kelly


Time to read: 2 min

Quilting Month 2025

The Stories We Stitch

Can you believe it? It's the beginning of the end of Quilting Month 2025! Thank you for joining us again this year to celebrating our shared love of quilting. I hope you've enjoyed it. Closing out the month on theme, we've got an article about why I quilt, an opportunity for you to share about the person who inspired you to start quilting, and an article containing practical tips for including the next generation in this beautiful craft! All the details can be found below!

Quilting Month Schedule: Week 3

March 18th: Why I Quilt

When I began prepping for this article, I would have told you that Laura Ingalls Wilder is the reason I quilt. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that's not the whole story! Read the article to find out who actually inspired me to start quilting!

March 19th: Your Turn to Share!

Who inspired you to start quilting? This week on the Meaford Pattern Press blog, I shared my story, my inspiration. I'm now inviting you to share yours! Head to the Quilting Bee Society and tell us who (or what) inspired you to start quilting!

March 21st: Inspiring Others to Quilt

Have you been wondering about how you can inspire younger generations to quilt? In this article, we'll look at ways to draw others (especially youngsters) into the craft. Article will be published here on Lindley General Store on Friday.

Every Week of Quilting Month

These promotions last for the duration of our Quilting Month celebrations which end on the 22nd of March 2025.

Free Gift With Order

At Lindley General Store, during Quilting Month, it's been our tradition to add free fat eights to *every order. We're continuing that tradition this year!

*Excludes USA orders and Lettermail

Crossword Coupons

At the beginning of Quilting Month, we sent out a special Cross Word puzzle. 5 of the answers in this puzzle are discount codes! All 5 of the discount codes are valid on both Lindley General Store and Meaford Pattern Press. The coupons expire on the 22nd of March, so there's still time to get a copy of the Crossword Puzzle. Simply subscribe to our email list using the form below, and we'll send a copy right to your inbox!

Subscribe and Celebrate!

It's not to late to join the Quilting Month festivities! Subscribe to our email list now, and we'll send you an email with everything you've missed!

    Abigail Kelly | Quilter, Teacher, Designer

    About The Author

    Hello there, I'm Abigail! 

    I've been quilting on and off since the age of 8! I have always loved quilts and quilting. I also love teaching about quilting and helping others to get started in this wonderful craft! My non-quilting hobbies include sewing, baking, and hand embroidery. You can find me on IG @abigaildkelly where I share snippets of work and life!

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