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The Difference Between Yarn-Dyed Fabric and Piece-Dyed

Written by: Abigail Kelly


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Time to read: 1 min

There are many qualities that make a certain fabric the right choice for your next project. One of these qualities is the dyeing process. Some people only want fabric that the manufacturers dyed a certain way. While there are various fabric-dyeing processes, yarn dyeing and piece dyeing are two that you’ll hear about the most. If you don’t know the difference between them, you can learn more here. We explain them below so that you can make an informed fabric decision.

What Is Yarn-Dyed Fabric?

The name of yarn-dyed fabric gives the dyeing process away. When you see a fabric with the label “yarn-dyed,” it means that the manufacturers dyed the yarns individually. They do this before knitting or weaving the yarns into the fabric you’re looking at. Many people prefer this method because the colour doesn’t fade as quickly as piece-dyed fabric.

What Is Piece-Dyed Fabric?

Piece-dyed fabric also gives its dyeing process away in the name. Instead of using dyed yarns, the manufacturers knit or weave the fabric pieces together with undyed yarns. They then dye the entire fabric piece, hence the piece-dyed name. Many people prefer using this type of fabric because it’s more affordable than yarn-dyed fabric.

How To Identify Different Fabrics

If the fabric you like doesn’t have a dye label, how can you determine the dyeing process? Most yarn-dyed fabric is part of a pattern, such as plaid. This is because manufacturers find it easier to dye their yarns and then weave them into a fabric than to try to dye a pattern on an already-woven fabric. However, some manufacturers simply print the pattern instead of dyeing it. Examine the fabric closely to see whether the colour of the design is in the yarn or simply on top of it.

Piece-dyed fabric often comes in solid colours instead of patterns. It’s much easier to dye an entire piece of fabric in one colour. However, some manufacturers will print a solid colour onto fabric instead of piece-dyeing it. Again, you’ll need to closely examine the material to discern whether the colour is in or on top of the yarn.

Now that you understand the differences between yarn-dyed and piece-dyed fabric, you can decide which is best for your next project. If you’re looking for new fabric, our Canadian online fabric store can help you find the best option. Our products are high-quality and will help make your next project beautiful.

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